There IS NO USPS regulation concerning "Any Soldier", however there is a DOD Postal Manual (DOD 4525.6-M) Issue #22093 dated 9 January 2003, which states, "a. Mail addressed to "Any Service Member," or similar wording such as "Any Soldier," "Sailor," "Airman," or "Marine"; "Military Mail", etc., is prohibited. Mail must be addressed to an individual or job title such as "Commander," "Commanding Officer," etc."
NOTE it says "...addressed to...
All of our addresses belong to real Sailors
with the addition of an attention line, which is completely legal.
The real Sailor
is aware of and volunteered for this program, and uses the attention line as notification of what the package is for.
Some postal clerks get confused by this so we suggest to avoid any arguments you simply draw a line through the attention line. The Sailor will see this and appreciate your valor at the post office and he/she will still know what to do. We don't advocate getting into an argument with anyone.
The USPS FAQ is available online at (which is not a regulation, nor does it reference any regulations).
For the record, we do not dislike Postal Clerks. May we go on record as congratulating all the folks at the LaPlata, Maryland and Hoagland, Indiana Post Offices. Not only have they all been extremely kind, helpful and informative, they must be among the most fit bunch of folks around with all they have handled from the Any Soldier Inc. effort!