The Video Corner
15 Sep 2011: "Eagle Scout Video"
This video was done as an Eagle Scout Project by Peter Armstrong. Some 200 Scouts have used AnySoldier.com as a basis for their Eagle Project, this video, however, is a first. We are proud of Peter and appreciate his work!!
Also on YouTube HERE.
1 May 2010: "Telephone Remake"
"This is a couple guys located in afghanistan, that re-made the music video by Lady Gaga....Telephone. Prepare yourself for a fantastical journey.
Right now this is the temporary version, we have more scenes to cut, and edit, however with guys always on mission it is harder to film than you think."
Their YouTube link is HERE.
10 Mar 2010: "AnySoldier.com PSA"
This is a project that a freshman at Fairfield University had made earlier in the year. It was directed, edited, and written by Joseph Pellegrino, and it is starring Jack Giannini as the college student, and Wesley Darbouze as the soldier.
Get the MP4 version HERE (good for iPods, etc. 11.1MB).
7 Dec 2009: "We Owe It All To You"
By Matty Kaspak, songwriter and musician
Music written and sung by Matty, video by his wife, Donna.
"This is for all the men and women who are serving or who have served in our great military...
This is THEIR SONG !!!
I'm honored just to be a small part of it..."
Found on YouTube HERE.
Get the MP4 version HERE (good for iPods, etc. 18.6MB).
Another of Richard Engle's series on MSNBC.
29 June 2009: "Facing down a firefight in Afghanistan",
29 June 2009: "In Afghanistan, a soldier's-eye view of combat",
30 June 2009: "Loss, and luck, rule over U.S. Troops in Afghanistan"
4 May 2009: "How To Send Care Packages To Troops Overseas"
"How To Send Care Packages to Troops Overseas" was made by a beginner filmmaker in the program for Howcast Studios, the Emerging Filmmakers Program. Bryan Theis, the filmmaker, was inspired to go the extra mile with this spot because his brother is stationed overseas in Iraq.
Heather Menicucci
Managing Producer, Emerging Filmmakers Program
Howcast Media
5 November 2008: "How to Reach a Soldier"
A bonus feature on the DVD "The Christmas Card", this video is just what the Holidays ordered.
Our thanks to: RHI Entertainment, Backlot Productions, and Genius Products, LLC.
4 November 2008: "Fun is Contagious"
"The Few. The Proud. The............"
From Richard Engle's series on MSNBC.
20 Oct 2008: "Viper Company - Confronting Afghanistan's 'Valley of Death'"
21 Oct 2008: "Viper Company - On Patrol in the 'Valley of Death'"
21 Oct 2008: "Viper Company - Seeing the enemy in Afghanistan"
22 Oct 2008: "Viper Company - Tragedy for GIs in the Afghan Hills"
23 Oct 2008: "Behind the scenes: Reporting from Afghanistan"
25 Oct 2008: "Under Fire from Afghanistan's Front Lines"
7 October 2008: "I've Got Your Back"
"Although I'm a Canadian, I support not only Canada's troops but all troops that fight the war on terrorism. The attached is a show I titled "I've Got Your Back", and dedicated it to the United States Armed Forces."
13 August 2008: "Paris Hilton for President"
And you thought we didn't care about politics!
21 June 2008: "Any Soldier Motorcycle Ride 2008"
Video produced by Lori Elliott, Any Soldier Support Junkie
22 July 2008: "I do this for you"
"I don't know if you want to use this slide show on the site or anything; I just wanted to share it. I think people could use a reminder sometimes about WHY we are safe and free, and WHO keeps us that way. The song is from The Music Corner, and all of the pictures are from troops my family has adopted and supported from AnySoldier.
Ms Tracy
1 May 2008: "No Compromises"
28 April 2008: "Real People, Real Support", brought to you from the folks at AmericaSupportsYou.mil!
For our Junkies, HERE is just the AnySoldier.com part...
29 March 2008: "U.S. Troops Doing Good"
"This is a first for me! My goal was to capture the good things that our Troops are doing overseas. Enjoy and please feel free to pass it along!"
Also on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ni0SH6epBSE
Thank you! Becky
9 February 2008: "USMC Silent Drill Platoon
Found on YouTube.
17 January 2008: "Iraqi Hells Angels"
If they join the Patriot Guard Riders, look for them at the BACK of the line...
28 October 2007: "Local Man Recognized for Going 'Above and Beyond'"
A report from Indiana News Center, CH-21, by Eric Clabaugh on the "Above and Beyond" awards by Microsoft.
25 October 2007: "Kroger Foods (Dallas area) and KTVT CBS11 Holiday ad" AND the Houston version HERE.
5 June 2007: "Adam Cann's Memorial Day, 2006."
Sergeant Cann was one of our contacts.
26 May 2007: "Buzz Moustafa, Iranian Astronaut"
30 March 2007:
Of course, not to be outdone by the Old Guard, here are 3 example videos of the Marine Silent Drill Team: 1, 2, 3.
Information on the Drill Platoon and the Evening Parade is HERE.
29 March 2007:
My final assignment with the Army was to be stationed at the Military Police Company, Military District of Washington (MDW) at Fort Myer, Virginia. As Operations Sergeant and First Sergeant I got to be involved in things I had only previously heard or read about. It was a true honor to be able to be involved in events in the Washington D.C. area, Arlington National Cemetary, the Pentagon, and more.
One of the most amazing free shows in D.C. every year is "Spirit of America", done by the U.S. Army's 3rd Infantry, "The Old Guard".
One part of the show is of the "The Old Guard Drill Team". I took this hand-held video on 28 September 2002. Sorry about the quality, it is very home video stuff, but hope it gives you an idea of the skill and strength of this unit.
Another part of the show is of the "The Old Guard Fife & Drum Corps". Taken at the same show as above. If you can watch this, turn up the volume and not get a tear in your eye... Sorry about the quality, wish I was in a better seating location, you really have to be there. LOVE the music!! The drums solo gets me every time.
One of the greatest honors in this life is to honor those who gave their all for our freedoms. I was able to attend numerous "Wreath Layings" at the Tomb of the Unknowns. The Old Guard is charged with the guarding of that tomb and the "Changing Of The Guard" is something every American should witness. Here is my not-so-great video of one. Hope you enjoy. -marty
26 March 2007:
"Tribute To The American Forces"
By MRC(?) 10min 43sec. Very well done!
14 March 2007:
"Any Soldier® Slideshow"
By Paul French and Partners, Inc.
A 4 minute slideshow of pictures from the AnySoldier.com web site set to the background music of Lee Ann Womack.
22 February 2007:
"I Pledge"
By Eric Dodge.
"No matter what people feel about the war itself they need to stand strong behind our military men and women. Our flag and our soldiers deserve the utmost respect from all of us. It truly saddens me when people are negative about those heros. This song and video is for them and all of their families."
21 February 2007:
"Local Minister Makes CDs for Troops"
Florence Duckett, Minister and Any Soldier Supporter helps the troops.
From ABC News, Ambler, PA.
2 February 2007:
"ABC Person of the Week"
Burt Brady is highlighted for his work welcoming home troops at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport.
31 January 2007:
Daryn Kagan, formally an anchor with CNN, now "the creator and host of DarynKagan.com, an inspirational online community that features a daily Web cast of stories that, 'Show the World What is Possible.'" did a story on AnySoldier.com.
Check it out HERE or in a pop-up version HERE or HERE. |
14 January 2007:
"The 155th, Dixie Thunder"
Sent to us by SSG Ricky Odom, one of our contacts April - October 2005.
6 December 2006: "Jeremy"
The idea for this video came to me one day as I thought about how it must be for those serving in the Armed Forces to be so far from home, away from family and loved ones, especially during the holiday season. Here in the states, some of us fret about and dread the 4-hour trip to gather for the holidays. But what if such a trip, that many take for granted, is not possible? What if that tradition, that family gathering is not possible? That is the reality faced by our sons, daughters, fathers, mothers and everyone that is serving in the military. Being so far away, they can't help but feel so isolated and left out, especially during the Christmas Season.
Then I thought that if only I could somehow collect holiday greetings from complete strangers, then my son and his fellow soldiers could see that so many others out there do care about them. That they will all be held close this Holiday Season, by people that they don't even know!
Although my son has yet to read any of the replies received to date, I cannot put into words how they make me feel when the magnitude of such an outpouring is fully realized. I can only imagine what all of the heartfelt greetings and the wonderful comments of support will mean to my son and his unit once they are all shared with one another.
Thank you for helping to make my thought a reality.
Bless you, each and every one!
Jeff Hunker
14 November 2006: "Lazy Ramadi"
By SSG Matt Wright, SSG Josh Dobbs. Their web site is HERE. Excellent!!
10 October 2006: "Youngest Marine Cadence"
No clue who did this, was sent by an AnySoldier Supporter. Good stuff!
10 October 2006: "Quiet Commercial"
Yet another amazing bit of work by Budweiser. BRAVO Budweiser!!! Thank you for showing that we learned what NOT to do from the VietNam era!!
6 October 2006: "Bud 9-11"
Amazing bit of work by Budweiser.
7 September 2006: "Independance Day"
"A friend of mine referred me to the web site AnySoldier.com. I made a video for a soldier who served in Iraq, of his pictures. KT (my friend) mentioned you may have a place for it on a web site.
Thank you for you hard work in support of "our" brave men and women in service."
Wayne Murray
29 July 2006: "Insomnia"
"use it in any fashion that you want to. i want people to see it so they know truly what is going on here unlike what is in the news." by SPC Kevin Bowden.
3 July 2006: "Happy Birthday America!".
"I created a short picture video on windows movie maker for the 4th of July honoring our Armed Forces." By Chris Reinsfelder.
7 June 2006: "10NewsClick".
Channel 10 News, San Diego, CA.
31 May 2006: "Polo. Small but tough".
That's it! Take away their white Toyota pickup trucks, give them Polos, we win!!
9 May 2006: TVP-1, Polish TV National Channel, broadcasts a segment on AnySoldier.com and TreatAnySoldier.com it recorded on 2 May 2006.
Original link HERE.
18 April 2006: "Honoring Our Heroes"
Sung by Ronnie Kimball, Lyrics and video by Michael Berardi, Music by John Drymon
Copyright R & M Berardi Music – All Rights Reserved
Our thanks to Michael Berardi, President of MRB Records Inc. for letting us have this video on our site.
You can download the video and also run it in better quality "Quicktime" format from MRB Records' site HERE.
8 April 2006 : "Tango. Tango Mike!" produced by Paul French & Partners, Inc. for Any Soldier Inc.
This is a truly wonderful 16 minute video done completely voluntarily by Mr. French and a number of professional actors and producers to help folks understand and use AnySoldier.com. Note: This is streaming video which uses Windows Media Player.
30 March 2006 (updated): "AnySoldier.com" produced by Mark Bell, an AnySoldier.com supporter.
17 March 2006: "Cookies, Thank You!!"
An email to AnySoldier Inc., "Hey there, a contact of mine told me about your web site so my daughter and I did a Girl Scout Cookie project with her cookie sales this year.
We sent all our family and friends asking them to buy cookies for the Troops, and we'd pay the freight to ship them via contacts on your web page. We sent to 8 different contacts and send each person in their unit a box of cookies.
Just thought you'd like to hear how helpful your site was, how all of the folks who participated were eager and proud to do so and how much I think it will help my family to be in touch with US Troops making our lives better, and the world safer for all. Thank you, thank them."
17 March 2006: "Why They Fight"
Sent to us by Super-Supporter Darryl.
Download the video HERE and pass it around! (Right-click and pick "Save Target As".)
27 January 2006: "1SG Meister Memorial" author is SSG Scott D. Cole.
6 January 2006: "New Years" from the "Waterboys" of Captain LeeAnn Roberts.
23 December 2005: RTE, Radio Television Ireland does a story on TreatAnySoldier.com and AnySoldier.com. Recorded 2 December in Maryland, aired in Ireland on 23 December 2005.
19 December 2005: "Iraqi Election, 15 December 2005" author unknown.
9 December 2005: "Thank You" from Anheuser Busch.
24 November 2005: "Rollover Training, FA Style" from the genius of the 1-148 Field Artillery folks.
22 November 2005: "A Pittance Of Time", a very powerful video by Canadian Terry Kelly.
His web site is HERE.
14 November 2005: "Free Iraq" from the "Waterboys" of Captain LeeAnn Roberts.
12 November 2005: "If I Die Before You Wake", a powerful video sent to us by Cpt Ward. To keep on your computer, right-click the link and select "Save target as..."
6 October 2005: "American Soldier" here with permission of the Marine All Weather Fighter Attack Squadron 332. Their web site is HERE.
"We Support You" by GCS Distributing.
"We Support U" was originally created during the beginning of the war with Iraq in 2003. After seeing some of our "fellow" Americans on the news trying to hinder military supply lines to protest the war, we wanted to make sure a couple of the boys and girls we knew that were in harms way knew they had our support. Thanks to so many who have made this their show of support for their soldiers, sailors and airmen.
Music - "Closing Credits" from Glory Original Motion Picture Soundtrack composed by James Horner - © 1989 Virgin Records America, Inc."
One of, if not the best, ever made. |
13 September 2005: ""Thank You" by SSG Maury Schuh.
11 September 2005: "News Report From Iraq".
11 September 2005: "American Heroes".
11 September 2005: "Paratrooper".
17 August 2005: New video from SSG Scott Cole, one of our contacts:
"Forfeit" and from his partner, SPC Richard Nicholas, is "Camp Wright".
8 December 2004: Australian Broadcasting Corporation, ABC, does coverage of TreatAnySoldier.com!
Video HERE.
(The TreatAnySoldier coverage is a part of a longer segment they did, here is just the TreatAnySoldier portion.)
18 October 2004: FOX TV News (Video here).
4 December 2003: FOX TV News, Video HERE.
4 December 2003: ARD German TV, Video here or here (in German of course).
Some Norwegian Soldiers in Kosovo having fun and making a music video spoofing the old 80s hit "Kokomo".
Video HERE. And so you can join in the fun, HERE are the lyrics!
(Caution! May not be suitable for children!!)(or anybody else...;)
Not to be outdone, the Brits Royal Dragoon Guards did a video in Iraq, and was actually displayed on the British Ministry of Defense web site. We have it HERE.
OK, while the Dragoons are goofing off, the British Marine Commandos can handle anything...almost... HERE.
NO WORRIES!!! We always have the mighty U.S. Air Force for, uh, mop-up operations! HERE.
OR...You can see how dull it is in the Army Infantry! HERE.
(Wait a darn minute! Do they really play that music when you do this stuff?)
What does it look like when a machine gun fires almost 100 bullets a second? Guess it really depends on which end of the gun you are on... Meet the "Vulcan'.
(NOT a comedy video)(It's a shame they don't play the sound of the gun...very unique I can tell you.)
By the way, those tracer rounds are every 7th bullet...
"Helo Thunder" with background music by AC/DC, is not a comedy video, but anybody who gets chills watching choppers will like this one HERE.
For those who like to get, well, high, there is the Magic Carpet Ride in an F-18 HERE.
(Do NOT ask me if you can have a copy of these videos...sorry, I have no idea... -Marty)
Seems the above videos are well liked so I just have to add this one, though it has nothing to do with this web site. After being an Army cop for over 20 years I have to admit that sometimes the bad guy is just plain, well, interesting. Be honest...see if you don't root for the bad guy in this one. HERE -Marty.
US Navy Releases Terrorist
The US Navy today announced that it has released a senior Al Quaeda terrorist after questioning him extensively for 27 days while being held prisoner aboard a US aircraft carrier in the Arabian Sea.
In a humanitarian gesture, the terrorist was given $50 US and a white 1962 Ford Fairlane automobile upon being released from custody.
(Don't bother sending me email about this. I agree it is a waste of a good Fairlane. I don't know about Navy stuff but it seems they have great leadership... -Marty ;)