04 Apr 2006:
Our time is coming to a close.. a new group will be taking over. I want to thank everyone for all the thoughts, prayers and prizes you have sent our way. The support from you has carried us through this experience. We are going home to our family's now and will continue our lives. Although we are strangers, we are fellow Americans and have a shared interest in Freedom. My sense of pride is indescribable. Please know that you have forever touched our hearts and you will always be in our prayers.
I will pass the anysailor information on to our replacements. Maybe somebody in the next group will want to be a local representative for them and will continue with this invaluable service.
Thank you again,
I pray God's Will be done in all our lives... J. Hope Odom
04 Feb 2006
We are still here and taking things one day at a time. I just wanted to let everyone know that we appreciate your thoughts and prayers. It is getting harder to deal with being away and isolated. I think the newness and novelty of being here is wearing off. People are getting cranky and general illness is on the rise. Please keep us in your prayers and we will see this thing thru until our mission is complete.
05 Jan 2006
I think most of us here are very glad the major holidays are behind us. I noticed everyone getting quieter and staying more to themselves at Christmas. Now that it is done, we can move on and know that we are one milestone closer to coming home.
The stocking stuffer project seemed to go over well. We stuffed goodies for several hours three different days. I did not get enough stockings in for everyone, so we used socks instead. The socks also made a nice gift. Each stocking/sock had mail, personal care items, food & candy items and some type of small gift item. All of the goods included were sent from supporters thru the anysailor or anysoldier programs. Thank you all for the support!!
We delivered the stuffed stockings/socks to each berthing site in boxes and let each member pick up his/her prize. No two were alike. You should’ve seen us sneaking around to place the boxes… we had fun!
We used the Christmas decorations to put up a tree in one of the local gathering areas for everyone to enjoy. We did Christmas Eve caroling by candlelight at the tree. One of the girls here actually dressed up in a Santa suit and many of the sailors had their picture taken with Santa. Some members wanted to ignore the holiday season, but most everyone seemed to appreciate our efforts.
Please accept my gratitude for all that you have done. The support is truly appreciated. I can still be reached right here and will continue to share anything that comes our way. Thank you very much. J. Hope Odom aka Odie :)
26 Nov 2005
Dear Support Team,
I want to thank you all for facilitating this medium that keeps soldiers/sailors in touch with America. I have started receiving packages and letters. They all have filled me with pride and joy. The emotions is sometimes overwhelming and I tear up. I share the wares with everyone and presently plan to use items as stocking stuffers. I want all our members to feel supported and stay connected to our homeland. Thank you all for allowing this to happen.
You guys are blessed angels - Thank you!
Serving with pride,
J H Odom
24 Oct 2005
We are a Reserve Navy Cargo Handling Battalion made up of folks from Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisianna, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, California, Texas, Utah, Arizona, Virginia and Washington... I hope I haven't left anybody out.
These are some great guys and gals. I am worried about them having to spend the holidays away from home. This seems like a great opportunity to ensure our members receive something from the states that remind them they are loved and supported.
It is difficult for me to narrow down specific suggestions. I feel like I am speaking for everyone and we are all different. I do know that any encouraging and supportive words can go a long way to boost someone who might be feeling lonely and disassociated from their home.
We are packed tightly into open-bay style barracks and isolated to our living space and our work areas. We work long hours in a hot dirty environment. When we do have down time, we do not have privacy.
I have noticed that people seem to enjoy their books, magazines and music for entertainment. Some also have laptops that allows them to watch movies. I would suggest any type of personal entertainment equipment and accessories would be much appreciated. This might also include boardgames, puzzles or puzzle books, entertainment center games (playstation games, x-box games etc).
We do have access to an AAFES PX here at the camp, but items are limited. Maybe AAFES gift cards would be nice. Hard to find items for us would include holiday decorations and magnet frames (which would go well with our metal lockers).
I would like to thank all who are involved with these efforts. I will do what I can, from this end, to ensure that these sailors and soldiers get back home safe and sane.
HM2 Juanita Hope Odom