07 Oct 2006:
So our tour is finally coming to an end, and I wanted to send out a thank you to all of you, especially the schools, who have been so incredibly generous to the Marines and Sailors of my squadron. We have kept the "Medical PX" open the entire deployment and it has made a tremendous difference for all of us. It may not seem like much, but I can't count the number of times a Marine has walked in and his eyes lit up because someone had sent a snack that he grew up on, or he got a birthday card written by a elementary school student that he never expected. We have hung hundreds of cards from schools and families all over the walls, and we have sent hundreds of thank you notes trying to convey just a little bit of how grateful we are for your thoughtfulness.
I have said it many times in thank you letters, but it is so true it bears repeating; our appreciation of a particular gift, whether it toothpaste, candy, or snacks can not compare to our overwhelming sense of gratitude for the time and thoughtfulness that went into taking a few minutes from your busy day to do something for us, someone you have never met, thousands of miles away. I never had to remind people to write thank you notes, rather it got to the point where I was running out of paper and ink to print them up for the Marines.
Please know that we believe in what we are doing here, and these young Marines and Sailors work ridiculous hours not because they have to, but because they love that they are making a difference, and are influencing history. I have never been more proud to be part of an organization, and your kindness has never made me more proud of my country and why I serve. Thank you so much for reminding us every day why we work so hard and what we are fighting for.
LT Christopher M. Shale, MC USN
Flight Surgeon
03 Aug 2006
Hello Everyone. I would again like to thank all of you for your incredible support throughout this whole deployment. It has really helped the days go by knowing that there are so many people back home thinking of us. All of the protein bars, anti-fungal sprays and juice mixes have been a huge hit. They are working so well that if it keeps up those of us in Medical might be out of a job soon. We still have a few months, but we have folks getting ready to go home in a few weeks and it has us all pretty excited. The Marines continue to be amazing, and our little Hawaii squadron has surpassed everyone's expectations. It is an amazing testament to the dedication and hard work of these young Marines.
Our last maintenance day we spent some time with our planes, giving them some well deserved TLC. We scrubbed them inside and out, and had a little fun while doing it. Thank you to everyone who sent out water guns, they were a big hit. Some of the folks even expressed a little aloha, dressing up in some of their best Hawaiian shirts.
It really has been a great honor to have met so many incredible Americans selflessly giving of themselves to help these amazing young Marines that I work with everyday. I know they are worthy of the praise, and your generosity has only strengthened their desire to serve.
Thank you all so much, for everything.
Very Respectfully,
LT Christopher M. Shale, MC USN
Flight Surgeon HMH-463
23 Jun 2006
Hello from Al Asad. It is official now, it's HOT, real hot. The Marines are handling it well, and have even found new and ingenious ways to combat the heat. Their ingenuity never ceases to amaze me, or bring me business. Thank you all again for your incredible support, we are exceedingly grateful. The morale in the squadron is very high, mostly because we are surpassing everyone's expectations, and we are doing that because of the unbelievable support that we have been receiving.
One day a month we do a BBQ, we still work, but it changes things up a little bit. These are some pictures from the last 2 events. The mini pool does not have a lifeguard, but these guys figured it was still safe. After a while it was more of a Jacuzzi than pool, but nobody seemed to mind. The BBQ was a big success thanks to a lot of your donations of BBQ sauces and chips, it is amazing what you can do to mystery meat with a good BBQ sauce!
As for things we could use here, we could still use shaving cream, protein bars, and any interesting BBQ sauces to help the cuisine out here. The Sergeant Major won't let up on his shaving every day policy, apparently it is a Marine thing. Thanks again for all of your help and support, it helps knowing that people are thinking of us.
Very Respectfully,
LT Christopher M. Shale, MC USN
Flight Surgeon HMH-463
29 May 2006
I would again like to thank everyone for their support, it has meant a lot to all of us here in Al Asad, Iraq. We are starting to get used to our surroundings a little. While we would never confuse this place for home, the generous gifts of everyday supplies from home makes a huge difference. One of the biggest differences from home is obviously the weather, not just because it is 105+ all the time now, but the sandstorms are amazing. I have included a few pictures of our guys working in the sandstorm, mostly to prove that they are crazy, but also to show how hard they are working. These young Marines really are inspirational.
In terms of things that we need, despite my best efforts guys are still coming in with athletes foot, they have to wear their boots all the time so this is one of the side affects of that. We could use any athletes foot spray or powder for shoes, as well as shaving cream, protein bars and gum. Due to the flight hours the crew doesn't get a chance to get real meals, and protein bars are perfect we never have enough of them. Also, I am trying to get guys to quit smoking, hence the gum.
Finally, thank you to all the school children who have sent birthday cards to the Marines, they love them. If you have any silly items or things that could be used for gifts (little squirt guns or balls are a big hit) we give them out as presents with our birthday celebrations.
Thank you all for your support, God bless.
LT Christopher M. Shale, MC USN
Flight Surgeon HMH-463
16 Apr 2006
First I would like to thank all of you for your support, it has been fantastic. The Marines in the squadron all say thank you and are surprised by the number of people back home who are thinking of them. We have been extremely busy, and it has started getting hot, so these guys are already pretty beat. They do the standard young guy complaining about the heat and the food and no showers, but I can tell that there is nowhere they would rather be. They still show up early for work and I have to forcibly remove the guys who are sick so they will go home and get some rest. Because I am the doc I see the disease trends and the are starting to get more of the athletes foot, and other type of skin problems. Thank you for sending out some of the foot powders and hygiene supplies, they are definitely being put to good use. The phone cards were fantastic, I can't thank you enough for those. The magazines are big hits as well, we have them in the waiting area for medical and people are now just stopping by to hang out and take a break. We don't have air-conditioning in here yet, but they keep on coming!
I include one picture of one of our pilots (left) and me (right) in front of one of our helicopters after a flight, as well as a picture of some of the squadron together for a picture on the runway here.
You will have to excuse the rustic, or ghetto style thank you cards that we have sent back. They may look funny, but they are heart-felt. So thank you again, we really do appreciate your support.
God Bless!
LT Christopher M. Shale, MC USN
Flight Surgeon HMH-463
28 Mar 2006
My name is LT Chris Shale, I am a US Navy flight surgeon serving in Al Asad, Iraq with "Pegasus" a US Marine Corps helicopter squadron based out of Hawaii. As the doctor for the squadron I am responsible for the physical and mental health of my Marines. They are scheduled to work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, but frequently work 14-16 hours because they love what they do and are proud to be serving their country. I have never been more proud to belong to a group.
We live in tents, in bunk beds on wooden floors, use portajons and wash our hands with hand sanitizer because the water is not safe. The power is 220v.
While the Marine Corps has done a great job in trying to improve morale, the Marines frequently don’t get an opportunity to take advantage. They work as hard as they do because they love their country and know what they are doing is important and we as leaders tell them what great work they are doing, but getting recognition from home in a letter or picture would mean a lot to them.
One of my goals is to make sure that each Marine is healthy, to that end I have included requests for some hygiene products. I will also be putting together small packages for Marines on their birthdays, posting any pictures or artwork around the medical spaces, and handing out mail to all of the Marines.
Items Requested: Sunscreen, Lotion, Athletes foot sprays, lip balm, Razors, Shaving cream, q-tips, deodorant M/F, birthday candles, AT+T calling cards,dental floss, breath mints/gum, candy, flash lights (small), batteries AA/AAA, baby wipes, envelopes, magazines (Maxim, FHM, any car magazine, any video gamer magazine, sports), any artwork
Female Items: Shampoo, Conditioner, tampons, razors, body wash, Magazines (Cosmo, self, people)
I would like to thank you for being a part of this effort and supporting all of the troops, and say that it is a privilege to serve my country, but an honor to serve with these young men and women.