12 May 2005:
I just wanted to say thank you for having me on the list. My squadron and the people on the ship are really thankful there is people back home that cared enough to send us just even a little something. We grateful to the people back at home and I will keep up this fight for the next 9 years. As I have a feeling this war on terriost will not be stopping any time soon. They will need an old salt like me to stick around and train the younger guys.
All I ask is to give the next carrier and the ships that she comes with the same support that you have given us here on the USS Carl Vinson. Please keep the marines that gave their life's during this cruse in your prayers. More importantly pray for the family members.
The price of freedom has always been high. From the time of the Revolution to now men have always want to live in peace and freedom. I will keep doing my part to keep the fight going towards the enemy. Keep up the support at home.
Very Respectfully
SK2 (AW) Wedell, L. A.

08 Apr 2005
VAQ-138 Receives "MOTHER LOAD"
Today is April 7, 2005; we received the "Mother Load" of care packages. Pen Pals for Soldiers in Simi Valley, California is an awesome group of people. Normally we get the few packages addressed to Any Sailor. I take them to the male and female berthing/ship board barracks. Well today Pen Pals of Sailors came though in a big way. We received 20 care packages. Only two of them were from somewhere other then Simi Valley, California. There was one from Sacramento, California and another from Fairbanks, Alaska.
As soon as I received the packages I gave them out like always. Today ten packages went to the male and female berthing. They were filled with every thing from hygiene products to cookies and candies. It was awesome and I was certainly in shock with the amount of care packages that were received. The crew of VAQ-138 had smiles on their faces today when I came through the door with 10 care packages for any Sailor. Though the male sailors hard time figuring out what those strange yellow and pink packages were for. We were told they make good nose bleed stoppers.
I want to personally thank every one from AnySolider and Pen Pals for Soldiers. The sailors on board are very thankful and happy to have received all the care from home.
Please keep it up will be here for another three months so don't forget about us.
Very Respectfully
SK2 (AW) Wedell, L. A.

30 Mar 2005
How's it going? Well where still here it is been a couple of weeks and where busy with Operation Iraqi Freedom. Trying to chase the terriost out of Iraq. It is hard work for the pilots and the crew in my squadron. We have four airplanes and people work some long hard hours to keep all four of our jets up and ready to go. The importance of our EA-6B is amazing you wouldn't think a 30 year old aircraft that seen action in Vietnam would not be that important but it is.
So far we have received a few welcomed letters and I dispersed them as soon as I got them. Thank you to all the people that sent the letters and cards. You make the difference to the moral of these sailors out here doing a job that they don't get much thanks for. It is an inspiring up lift to us out here to know that people back home are actually thinking about us. Keep sending those letters and packages. So far I only have received that one care package that I took a picture of so come the end of this cruise I will take a picture of every thing that I received.
SK2 (AW) Wedell, L. A.
24 Mar 2005
Dear Any Soldier,
Well tomorrow is my birthday. We really haven't got much in the way of package since I sent that last picture. Where content thought a few letters and a care package go a along way with some sailors. It is better then having nothing at all. Tomorrow I turn 30 so what a way to spend your 30th birthday with 5000 people you barely know. Anyway I just needed to send an up date let people know how where doing. I am sending a picture I took the other day being out here in the Gulf of an Oil tanker heading some where else other then were we are at.
SK2 (AW) Wedell, L. A.

19 Mar 2005
I finally received the first package today. We got Oreo cookies, jelly beans, slim jims, one DVD witch will watch tonight, some Gold Fish and a couple of magazines. They where very welcomed as we have not had any mail in a couple of weeks. It was just one package but to the sailors in my squadron that I shared with they were very grateful that the people back home actually remember were out here. We may not be on the front line but where getting jets over the beach that are protecting our troops on the ground. With out us being in the Gulf and having a presents the Army and Marine troops would be lacking much needed air support. So to the people that send out letters and packages I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have a two pictures one of me holding the first care package and the second a sailor co worker of my enjoying some jelly beans. Thank you for your support keep it coming. The sailors and marines on this ship are happy to know that the people back home support us doing circles in the Persian Gulf.
Very Respectfully
SK2(AW) Wedell, L. A.

03 Mar 2005
Thanks but I need to change some information. It is true we need chairs but there are more people I could be giving these care packages to. If they come, any thing from DVD, video games(XBOX, Playstation) to sunflower seeds and beef jerky. Just no porn other then that there is allot of sailors both male and female I can get care packages to. Very Respectfully
SK2 (AW) Wedell, L. A.
03 Mar 2005
We need chairs high back low back something other then bubble wrap. The ship isn't helping us out granted there are worse things but we need something other then butt poking metal springs to sit on. The normal are always needed cookies, beef jerky, sun flower, razors for shaving, and toothpaste are always welcomed.