11 Jul 2008:
To all who have supported NMCB 74, I thank you.
My unit is winding down our operations soon, and I just wanted to say, thank you SO much. It was very motivating and powerful to receive all the love and support from Anytown America. The outpouring on Memorial Day and the Fourth of July was amazing! I thank you too Any Soldier, for allowing America to contact its Sons and Daughters who are temporarily away from home, thank you.
Please keep us in your prayers.
ET3 Faulkenberg, USN
22 May 2008
Dear Supporters,
Thank you so much for your support! It is starting to get hot here and we are confining ourselves to limited movement as much as possible! I think that the highest projected temperature I have seen so far is about 118 Degrees Fahrenheit.
We have had the chance to welcome some new sailors aboard NMCB 74, ET3 Klemme showed up around May 1st and ET3 Legg showed up on May 22nd, however, both having done well on the March Exams are now ET2's!
I apologize for the delay in responding back to some of our supporters, we are tying our best, however, we lost a couple comrades to another site not in this camp.
Our 'wish list' from the supporters stays pretty much the same, as the point of contact for Any Soldier I know that the Beef jerky and the 'instant meal' things have been a super hit on the long and hot days. We are taken care of on toiletries now, so we don't need anything in that department. Prepackaged food, beef jerky, ramen noodles, easy mac, and things of that nature are by far what my guys eat the most of, they also on occasion nibble the sweet candy things, but there all gym-a-holics (they like to sneak candy, hehe!)
Once again I just want to thank all of you for your support, and if you send us your e-mail address, I will personally reply!
Thank You America!
ET3 Faulkenberg, Eric
17 Mar 2008
I just wanted to Say thank you, we received in the last week, six packages in rapid succesion. We took some pictures and wrote the the first package's sponsor. We are currently in the process of writing to the kind people from a church in Ohio.
ET3 Faulkenberg
03 Mar 2008
We live in small huts called PCB's, it is a large open building with wall-lockers separating 'cubes' of 4-6 people. There is a power issue here, all of our 110V items from the states will no accept the 220V/50Hz local power provided by generators.
I am requesting microwave food on behalf of my divisional shop, we are computer repair and maintenance, and we spend a lot of time after working hours keeping the gear up, and don’t always have time for the twenty min. hike to the DFAC.
Specifically I am requested microwaveable things such as 'mac and cheese' and 'hamburger helper microwave singles' and things of that nature. Our shop does have a Microwave and a refrigerator, as we spent almost all of out time in our shop [GP medium (tent)]
I am an Electronics Tech. attached to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 74 and we are in charge of general camp maintenance and construction projects execution. My battalion was recently awarded the Battle Excellence award for Seabees on the East coast. Our battalion is stationed out of Gulfport MS, near Biloxi, we were charged with Hurricane Katrina cleanup / and rebuilding post Katrina.
NMCB 74 'Fighting 74' Hoorah Seabees
ET3 Faulkenberg
NMCB74 Kuwait
S-6 Shop SA MPO