21 Jul 2008:
We are still here and working, things are going great don't have any recent pictures to publish, but truely appreciate you help and support.
01 Jun 2008
I am still here, things have been extremely busy of late, and I have been on the road with my job. I have been receiving all of the boxes, thanks, and know they are put to good use. Here are some new pictures of the faces you are touching.
12 Apr 2008
To all even more pictures, I have a interpreter who works in my
organization, and he is from Afghanistan and these are pictures from his village. When I saw these pictures they broke my heart, I just want to stick these kids in my sea bag and take them home with me. Every little thing helps and thanks once again for all of your willingness not only to support us the troops, but also the kids and people of Afghanistan.
11 Apr 2008
My rank has changed could you update my site to LCDR Craig Tecmire
10 Apr 2008
To all,
I have attached some pictures of some of the relief work we have done recently. The Lord is really blessing, I am getting a steady stream of material (typically two boxes a day). Sometimes a picture says it better than words, and I believe these pictures do. Thanks for your generous giving and keep up the great effort and know it helps.
Very Respectfully,
LT Craig Tecmire
23 Mar 2008
To all,
Attached are some pictures of recent work we did at an Egyptian Hospital on base that allows Afghanistan people to come on base once a month to receive free medical attention. It was quite moving and one of the most rewarding things I have done. Keep the boxes coming, a coat, shoes and socks, things we take for granted on a daily bases, change peoples lives in Afghanistan, thanks.
13 Mar 2008
My unit is located in Afghanistan and is comprised of all services both U.S. and International. For the most part we are all relatively taken care of (especially when compared to those that we are defending).
Simply knowing that the people of the United States support us while we are away from our families is enough.
On behalf of the personnel in my unit I would ask that if you could send any of the following items that they would be greatly appreciated.
Please know that they would go to great use in our effort to strengthen the infrastructure of this war-torn country. We want to provide further assistance to the people of Afghanistan (namely the children) and these items will greatly improve their quality of life for generations to come. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, which you have already displayed by coming to this website.
clothing: All sizes and styles are needed, men's, women's, and children - new or used, clean and in good condition, including trousers, shirts, socks, skirts, sweaters, jackets, coats, and gloves.
Shoes: All sizes are needed - especially infants and children. Work boots, casual shoes, sandals, clogs, and sneakers for men, women and children are preferred.
Other Items & Supplies: Blankets and comforters, new or used but in good condition, are always welcome.
Toys and stuffed animals: The children always appreciate receiving toys and stuffed animals. New or used, but clean and in good working order. Soccer balls and kites are huge favorites!
School Supplies: All types of basic school supplies are needed. Please select from the following list:
- Backpacks or book bags
- Pencils (wooden with erasers)
- Ink pens (any size or color)
- Composition books (bound)
- Coloring books
- Crayons (small boxes)
- Rulers & Protractors
- Erasers
- Pencil sharpeners
- Scissors (small)
- Glue sticks
- Highlighters
Teacher's Kits: Classroom supplies for teachers' use are also badly needed. The list of useful items includes:
- Flash cards, visual aids and instruction manuals for Math, Science, English, and the Alphabet
- Index cards (3 X 5 and 5 X 7)
- Ball point pens (any color) and pencils
- tape (masking and Scotch-type)
- Scissors (large)
- Paper clips
- Colored push pins
- World maps
- Art stencils
- Stickers (as rewards for good work)
- Post-it Note pads (any size or color)
- Notebooks and folders
- Indelible markers (all colors and styles)
- Chalk and blackboard erasers
- Whiteboard markers (any colors) and erasers
- Staplers with refills
- bottled glue for art projects
- Poster paper (any color)
- Large boxes of crayons