30 Aug 2008:
Man, though it doesn't feel like it's going fast, it must be flying by!!.. time to update everyone again???..sheesh where DOES the time go? I'm afraid this is the last update posting as we should be headed home in time for Turkey-day..ish...
That said, I want to let everyone out there know that you all are great Americans and your support makes our job here a lot easier!.. nothing beats getting a package from home, even if we do not know you personally, that does not deminish it's value... in fact in a way, it makes it that much more valuable!, getting something from a fellow American that sent us something out of love for a fellow American is what makes us so great!! I wish I could send everyone that has sent us something a personal Certificate from us, but sadly I can not, so I must express my gratitude here where hopefully all will know that we here in Afghanistan, part of the ANA 203 Corpe say -THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!! for everything you do.
I must remember to send you a photo of our "guard dogs" that many of you have helped us raise. they are getting big now ;-) .. I'll be back at my regular office soon and will try and send a picture along to post if possible.
God Bless you all, for all you do!
02 Jul 2008
hello everyone,
where to start??... Since I last wrote, I've been home on my two weeks R&R ( which takes about one month to complete) and then went out on a ten day operation cleaning out cache sites and destroying caves. So all in all, I've been away from the "office" almost two months with just a few days here and there to hurriedly check mail and get a hot shower. I had a nice stack of boxes for friends and family and AWESOME folks from all over our great Country waiting on me when I got in two days ago...I'm working my way through them as I can and plan of sending a "thank you" note out to you all, my apologies if you are one and have not heard so from me yet. Our pups are getting bigger...and fatter!!! :-P
... Thank you all on their behalf!! I'll take a few pictures of them and send them along so you all can see how they are doing.
I'll close with a thank you once again for all you folks do, It's nice to know there are Great Americans adding a little personal support from Home!! :-) God bless you and your families for all you are doing.
LT Dave Bird
24 Jun 2008
(From his alternate):
I appreciate all you have done for me and my troops. We are not scheduled to depart this theater of operation Until Nov. 2008. If it is all the same we really need your support and care packages.
DCCS (SCW) Chris Leonard
05 May 2008
Hello, and sorry for the tardiness. I keep saying every morning I NEED to give an update, but next thing I know.. The day has me swamped with taskings and I forget all about sending out a small note. So thank you for your reminder! :-)
We have receive boxes from everywhere!! To all of you out there giving time and effort for these gifts from home, we say thank you!! They are all much appreciated. We have received our BINGO game and use it on our MWR Friday nights :-) ... Reading materials, very thoughtful assorted stuffs, and many thank you cards.
What's new for us, well, first the weather is getting HOT! Secondly, we found a loop-hole for "no mascots", yes, Mascots are not approved, but our counterparts here (Afghan Army) are approved for "guard dogs" and as Americans come in contact with these dogs, we are now treating these animals.. Truth is they are two "guard dogs" in training..the puppies are only 10-12 weeks old, but it sure helps to feel more like home when you can swing by and spend a few minutes playing with the puppies :-)
... So I guess that would be the one request I have is a treat or two for the puppies. They are helping us more then they know ;-)
again, thank you to you all!! I wish I could personally thank everyone, you guys make my job decision easy.
16 Mar 2008
hello to who is my concern,
first thank you for your time and effort to support the troops, you are indeed a great American. We are in a hot and dusty place many miles from friends and family, yet morale is high. The one thing we could use here seems to be periodicals of any sort really, but guns, 4X4s or science are always a big hit. Not to say news or others would be any less apreciated, all are welcome. Shampoo is good (dusty as I said earlier and we don't always get to a place we can buy more). PS2 games are nice for the troops to wind down playing after a long day. I know this may sound odd, but a simple little bingo game with cage and balls would be nice for MWR night ( Morale, welfare and recreation). lastly, we have a lot of books, but if you could go to a used book story and get a few in a series (i.e. 'Star Wars' or 'The exicutioner' as examples) that would be great too for those who prefer to read.
again, thank you for your time and THANK YOU for supporting us over here.