09 Feb 2011:
We’ll we have finally been released from our Pirate hunting duties. Over the week we have been with the Aircraft Carrier to do some exercises and now steaming independently for some much needed port stops and eventually home. As we approach the coming weeks to our deployments end, I want to thank you for all your support, with your generosity, we have been really motivated from all the packages sent. It was truly nice to have the small touches of home right there in a mailing box. Please continue to do what you do for all the other service members that are heading out to take our roles in supporting our country’s interest.
With that said, we are on our leg back home so please do not send any of your wonderful packages to the ship, send them to others that may need them who are getting situated on what we were doing earlier.
For those of you that sent packages, I do have some thank you gifts on their way (If you have not received them already). They are nothing big but something we felt we needed to do to repay your kindness.
To my brothers and sisters heading out, fight the good fight and make it back home safely. Our thoughts are always out to those that are standing the watch.
Very Respectfully
IC1 (SW) Steven G. Smith
26 Jan 2011
We just completed a short but much welcome port stop in Muscat, Oman. On our last UNREP about a week ago the division received a box of goodies, some collectable comics donated from a personal collection and a large set of various Drew Estate Cigars from Martin, Phyllis, Marty and Inga Zunte. These gifts made a lot of the men ecstatic and turn we are prepping a little something to send back as a thank you from us. Time to get We are now out at sea doing our duty again so it’s time for me to get back work.
Very Respectfully
IC1 (SW) Steven G. Smith
03 Jan 2011
We have just received a long awaited mail call and I just wanted to thank you for the holiday care packages and reading material. I passed along the items to the division that armed our hearts. We are still sailing the seas protecting the sea lane and monitoring pirate activities doing our part with the international coalition. Currently we are need in exercise supplements like energy drink powders and energy bars. Snacks are still good and coffee is always sought after. Purex 3in1 sheets have asked for and large Navy blue undershirts that go with our digital cammies have been in low supply on the ship. Magazines and current music or movies are welcome since the current run has been played minimally more than four or five times and new movies from the supply system has been slow. You all do us a wonderful service showing your appreciation for what we do. It makes us appreciate what we have and our country men and women back home that much more.
29 Dec 2010
We finished crossing the Suez and back protecting the Sea Lanes. The Crew enjoyed the rare opportunity and much need holiday break in Haifa! For most of the crew the fact that we were in the Holy Land for Christmas was amazing. The culture and history was incredible a very rare opportunity for a West Coast Ship! Now that is over, we return to protecting the sea lanes hunting Pirates and whatever else is asked of us. I hope you holiday was enjoyable and may your New Year start off with a bang!! Many of the sailors have received cards and care packages from all of you sending them to the various reps. Thank you, all of your support does make this deployment a lot easier.
Since we are coming over the hump, most of the crew are working out to look great for their honeys and all, so any form of exercise supplements and drink powders would be well received.
Very Respectfully
IC1 (SW) Steven G. Smith
23 Dec 2010
Thank you all for the wonderful cards to our ship. The mailroom passed out several boxes of Christmas cards for the crew to read and share in some good times. They were all uplifting. I myself received one from a 12th grade student who has some incredible penmanship that made us do a double take to see if it was stamped or printed from a machine. Great job and thank you for the compliments.
Currently we moved out of the op area for a little bit and received an incredible opportunity to spend our holiday in Haifa. The reason it’s so incredible is that USS SHOUP is a west coast ship and very rarely a ship from our area crosses the Suez. The other reason is a no brainer, we are in the holy land for the Holiday. How cool is that! Even if you’re not the religious type, you got to admit for the historical aspect, not many people get this chance.
Well here is my shout out to those who has shown my division support and we all wanted to express our thanks n which some of you should have received a little gift from the ship. Thank you to :
Adrienne Whaley and the Share a craft club
Connie Barnes
Nicole Williams and class
Faith Gerstel
Ginger Boyter
You all have warmed our hearts and motivated us with your kind words and donations. It makes it easier for the majority to others recognizing how difficult it can be dealing with the uncertainty and separation of loved ones for these long duration periods. As I and my shipmates celebrate the holiday in a rare fashion we do think about our fellow service men who are standing the watch while other units are taking a bit of down time to recharge. I ask you to place them in your thoughts and if you pray, please share one for them. Have a great time this holiday season.
Very Respectfully
IC1 (SW) Steven G. Smith
10 Dec 2010
Things have been hectic as we have been operating off of Africa hunting pirates. Currently we have deterred several attacks with our presence traveling up and down their coast. We have assisted several mariners from the MV Agustos who were attacked but was foiled by their holding themselves in their engineering space and awaiting our arrival. Our helicopter came upon them really quick which also forced the Pirates abandon their efforts. We also aided another ship that was negotiated for and released after nine months of being held for ransom. They were happy to see a friendly face. We still are keeping busy here doing our thing in support of the coalitions mission as has been our mission from the inception of the US Navy, keep the sea lanes free.
We have received three more packages and are grateful for what was given to us. Your support makes us happy that there are kind folks back home that appreciate what the military is doing out here. Currently we are coming close to our halfway point and the things that some of the guys are missing from home are things that help out with workouts like Energy bars and drink powder. Magazines , books are welcome but the snacks sent out and some toiletries have been taken up really quick when I pass the box amongst the men. Thanks you again you do make a difference and make our homecoming that much more desirable.
Very Respectfully
IC1 (SW) Steven G. Smith
16 Nov 2010
Currently our tasking has taken us to several places before getting to our ultimate area of operations. We have finished strengthening relations with the Japanese Defense Force conducting joint operations and training off the coast of Japan with an important visit to Nagoya in which we were visited by the Japanese Ambassador and several government officials. SHOUP continued to shine while operating with the South Korean Navy in support of the important summit being held in the country. Currently we have received three care packages that were loved by the men in the division.
To update our page, several men missed out on the opportunity to pick up hydration packs and LED flashlights since the local Aircraft carrier came back to the NEX and wiped out the items. It looks as if the port visits may be few and far in between for us things like gum, cigars, coffee are being highly sought after. But all the snacks, toiletries, and books/magazines are well appreciated.
23 Sep 2010
We are headed out to the gulf in support of various operations for an exteneded tour. many of the men in my division is a green gorup making their first deployment. Being new and all they forgotten many items that could assist them in thier day to day routine. These are good men and at times they don't truely realize how many good people support us each and every day. So my applictaion is mainly for them so they can get the letters from people in our home country showing them what they do out here is recoginzed over there at the homefront.
being out to se in the hot environment, most of us didn't think of hydration packs. Also utility tools would be helpful especailly to our new sailors reportintg on board.
Things that would be appreciated would be tolietries, black boot socks, regulation blue t shirts, music, games, coffee or snacks from the states since the stuff we'll be getting out here are going to have foriegn labels.