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E4 Roy C. Scott
- U. S. Navy -
On Ship
Complete the form below with YOUR information to get
E4 Roy C. Scott's full address emailed to you.
Do not request this address unless you are going to support this contact.
NOTE: A limit of 1 address per day/10 a month per household is in effect.
Persons abusing this system, entering false information,
using multiple email addresses are blocked.
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  Fields with "-" are required.
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Use 2-letter abbreviation for State.
State/Province and Country if not USA.
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Email -  NOTE: We get a LOT of complaints from "Gmail" users
who don't get the addresses we send them.
If you can, use an email account other than Gmail.

CAREFULLY check your email address!
This is VITAL or you will NOT get the address!!
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doesn't support HTML formatted email.
If unsure, leave checked.

  • Persons abusing this system, entering false information, or using multiple email addresses are blocked.
  • Addresses are emailed to you immediately as long as you have not exceeded your limit.
  • If you entered a bad email address you will not get the contact's address.
  • If you don't get the email in a few minutes, check your spam or junk e-mail folder (especially the Hotmail, AOL, and Yahoo users!). If not in your spam folder, contact your ISP or network geek. Be sure to fix your folder settings! We have no control over how long it takes for you to get your email. I'm sorry, but sending us email asking what happened to your request won't help...ALL requests are sent. See our FAQ number 31.
  • "Rebranding" is NOT permitted. You will include the line "ATTN: Any Sailor®" under the name of the contact as shown in the email you get.
  • I will send a donation to Any Soldier Inc.
      READ: Some folks think that sending stuff to the Troops is the same as a donation to Any Soldier Inc. Sorry, not true. This donation is monetary and used as explained on the web site. Not doing so will cause you to be blocked.
    You may donate now online, click HERE
    or mail your donation to:
    Any Soldier Inc.
    P.O. Box 715
    Waldorf, MD 20604

    (Please make payable to, "Any Soldier Inc.")
    Agree to Terms -   Click if don't agree Uncheck this box if you do not
    agree to the Terms and Conditions.
    Email Notification -  UnCheck this box to NOT be notified by email
    when this contact writes or changes status. (NOTE *)

    (Click ONCE! Do not double-click!)

    (NOTE *): If you select this option, you will be sent an email when this Contact's status changes. Please note that this may be an update, or something you may not notice, like a change in 'End Date', change in email addresses (which you don't see), and other things. Sometimes this results in you getting multiple notifications. If you accidently forget to check the option, the only way to activate it is to request the address again.

    Any Soldier Inc. Terms and Conditions
    Click HERE.

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    Any Soldier Inc. Privacy Policy
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    Sorry, but passwords are only issued to the staff of Any Soldier Inc.
    and/or those who got instructions on their use.

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