Any Soldier Inc.

About Us:

How to Contact us:

For general communications, press information, being blocked, etc.:

(Please note: We have NO secretarial staff so please don't expect letter response.
Email is the only way to go with us. Questions that are already answered in our FAQ page won't be answered. Sorry.)

Any Soldier Inc.
P.O. Box 15187
Fort Wayne, IN 46885

~ NEVER send stuff for the troops to this address!! ~
(Mail sent to this address which is for the troops will be returned to the sender postage due.)

Please read at a minimum, THIS and THIS #23
THEN send me an email with your proposed Project Plan.

For ALL donations and billing:

Any Soldier Inc.
P.O. Box 715
Waldorf, MD 20604

~ NEVER send stuff for the troops to this address!! ~
(Mail sent to this address which is for the troops will be returned to the sender postage due.)

For questions or comments about the Sailors on this web site:

(Please note: We have NO secretarial staff so please don't expect letter response OR phone calls.
Email is the only way to go with us. Questions that are already answered in our FAQ page won't be answered. Sorry.)

Any Soldier, Inc.
Support Team
P.O. Box 15187
Fort Wayne, IN 46885

~ NEVER send stuff for the troops to this address!! ~
(Mail sent to this address which is for the troops will be returned to the sender postage due.)

Email questions about:
  • Events and Event Coordination for Any Soldier Inc.:
    (Sorry, we don't have the staff to help you with your event not done with Any Soldier Inc.)
  • Form 990:
  • Donations:
  • Soldier Updates and Addresses, Information:
  • Sponsorships:
  • Web Site:

  • Note: Due to the huge volume of email, please read the "FAQ" page and "How to Send" pages at a minimum before asking questions already answered on this web site.
    Sorry, but we can't answer questions such as "Did they get my package?" or "Can you send me the names of Soldiers?" or "Can I email the Soldiers?" or "How do I send stuff?"... Thanks!

    TEACHERS & Others: Please read the
    "Let's get started" on our home page,
    "For Teachers" (#24) in our FAQ page" before you send us email. Thanks!

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    It was March 26th, 2003. Army Sergeant Brian Horn, one of 1,000 soldiers, parachuted into enemy territory in Northern Iraq.

    Five months later, Brian Horn was able to call his parents. They had been sending their son an average of six care packages per week. So when Brian asked his parents to send more, "my wife and I thought he was kidding!" Marty Horn told me. "But Brian said, 'no -- its for the soldiers that don't get any.'"

    Brian Horn's regiment spent nearly a year finding places to sleep on the ground or on their vehicles while behind enemy lines in Northern Iraq. From Life in Iraq, Stars and Stripes special report on morale. October, 2003, Jon R. Anderson, Stars and Stripes
    Brian Horn's regiment spent nearly a year finding places to sleep on the ground or on their vehicles while behind enemy lines in Northern Iraq. From Life in Iraq, Stars and Stripes special report on morale. October, 2003, Jon R. Anderson, Stars and Stripes.

    Both Brian's parents had spent their careers in the Military, so they immediately understood what Brian was saying. Millions of men and women serving overseas never receive any mail. Besides often lacking basic necessities, these men and women have to cope with the harsh conditions of serving overseas without signs of support from friends and family back home.

    The Horns developed the idea for during that phone call. Marty created a website that explained the project and offered Brian's address -- including the words "Attn: Any Soldier". Brian would give these packages to the soldiers not receiving any mail. After his service in the Military, Marty had gotten involved in the still-young Internet. He knew how much opportunity the Internet offered, but even he was amazed at the results. "Within two weeks, we were getting flooded with email from all over the world. It was like an avalanche."

    The project's growth kept up its tremendous pace. In January 2004, in response to many requests, the Horns opened up the project to the other Military branches. Within one year, they went from seven Military contacts distributing "Any Soldier" packages to 3,500.

    "It just exploded. It literally took on a life of its own... Honestly, we started this as a way to help my son and his troops. Imagine camping -- it's hard enough to get stuff, imagine being one in a thousand guys who parachuted behind enemy lines," Marty said.

    The growth has continued. To date, -- and its related websites, AnyMarine, AnyAirmen, AnySailor, and AnyCoastGuardsmen -- have served over 2 million troops stationed in many locations (Current info HERE). The men and women in service come from many states and countries -- the vast majority from the USA, but also from such places as Chile, England, Italy, Germany, and Japan and many others. Visitors to can search for contacts by service location, where the unit comes from, the number of males or females in the group (some supporters prefer to write to "Attn: Any Female Soldier"), and the number of times their address has been requested -- among other options.

    The response has overwhelmed the recipients, as well. AnySoldier updates from the men and women in service express gratitude, joy and awe at the support they receive. Unit leaders, in particular, write about the contribution AnySoldier makes to their troops:

    Minnesota Unit poses with received AnySoldier packages October 2009, Afghanistan Photo used courtesy
    Minnesota Unit poses with received AnySoldier packages October 2009, Afghanistan.
    Photo used courtesy

    "Thank you so much for your support...seeing the faces of my troops when they get to open a package is what keeps us going around here."

    "I have never seen anything like the love, appreciation and support that comes from the people who visit this site...I just want to thank you all once again from the bottom of my heart. So far I have been able to spread your love to 4 different soldiers of my platoon/battery and see the joyous looks on the soldiers' faces..."

    "Thank you so much for all the packages and letters...morale is up high. I can't tell you enough how grateful we are. In my eyes you guys are the real heroes."

    AnySoldier has also offered support to wounded Marines recuperating from injuries; assisted in procuring and importing wheelchairs for crippled Afghani children; helped bring attention to and arrange shipments of much-needed medical supplies and textbooks for distribution throughout the Iraqi medical system; and many other projects. AnySoldier packages from supporters have also contributed to the distribution of toys, books, and necessary supplies to civilians living in war zones.

    The first donated wheelchair Afghanistan, March 3, 2004 Photo used courtesy
    The first donated wheelchair. Afghanistan, March 3, 2004.
    Photo used courtesy

    Unfortunately, the economy has impacted everyone. AnySoldier, a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is almost entirely family-run and depends on donations. The last year has found AnySoldier in debt for the first time in its existence, and the family struggles to maintain all the aspects of the AnySoldier organization on their own. Not only are all the website updates done personally (all update emails by AnySoldier recipients are reviewed for security before being posted to the site), but the Horns try to stay on top of the ever-changing, often-confusing mail regulations for packages to Military personnel, offering guidance and recommendations on the website.

    Support for the AnySoldier organization comes in many forms. A group at MIT created a Yahoo! toolbar that donates a few cents to AnySoldier for every search. The Combined Federal Campaign (catalog number 11993) has approved AnySoldier for their 2010 campaign, and a number of online businesses such as contribute a percentage of sales if you click through the link on the AnySoldier site, found on this page. Similarly, GoodSearch has teamed up with a large number of popular stores to donate a percentage of sales to AnySoldier. More details on these programs and other ways to support AnySoldier can be found here:

    Soldier in Afghanistan offers a Beanie  Baby to an Afghani child. This Beanie Baby was donated by AnySoldier supporters. Photo used courtesy
    Soldier in Afghanistan offers a Beanie Baby to an Afghani child. This Beanie Baby was donated by AnySoldier supporters.
    Photo used courtesy

    Despite the difficulties, the Horns stay focused on the importance of what AnySoldier does. "It is a letter, maybe even in a box, addressed to a particular Soldier, Marine, Sailor, Airman, or Coastguardsman, that will change the day of that Warrior. I can tell you for a fact, that a simple act like that may not only save the life of that Warrior, but affects the morale of the entire unit." said Marty Horn.

    Brian Horn affirmed:
    "I couldn't be any more proud to have been a part of such an honorable organization as To have been able to distribute the mail personally as a contact to soldiers who get next to no mail at all and for that brief moment see the look of hope in their faces of good things to come. The hope that somebody out there does care. That somebody does in fact love them as they deservingly should be loved. The hope that some day their involvement in the fight on terror was to preserve those that believed in them so much through and through, until their fight was done. We fight so that maybe, just maybe your grandchildren won't have to..."

    (This article was posted by Michal Rachlin on her BLOG "Volunteer Experiences" on October 26, 2009.
    It is reprinted here with her permission.)

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    Press Release and other Media:

    Any Soldier® Press Release available HERE in MS Word format.
    Special and grateful thanks goes to Carolyn Moncel, Mondavé Communications, Chicago & Paris, PR and Media Training for providing the above documents. handouts you can print HERE.
    Want a high quality handout?
    Here is one for (1.09MB) and (722KB)

    Any Sailor ® "Facts at a Glance" HERE. (Real-time information).

    Tango Mike! "Tango. Tango Mike!"
    produced by Paul French & Partners, Inc. for Any Soldier Inc.
    This is a truly wonderful 16 minute video done completely voluntarily by Mr. French and a number of professional actors and producers to help folks understand and use Note: This is streaming video which uses Windows Media Player.

    Other Great Videos:
    " PSA"
    This is a project that a freshman at Fairfield University had made earlier in the year. It was directed, edited, and written by Joseph Pellegrino, and it is starring Jack Giannini as the college student, and Wesley Darbouze as the soldier.

    "How To Send Care Packages To Troops Overseas"
    "How To Send Care Packages to Troops Overseas" was made by a beginner filmmaker in the program for Howcast Studios, the Emerging Filmmakers Program. Bryan Theis, the filmmaker, was inspired to go the extra mile with this spot because his brother is stationed overseas in Iraq.
    Heather Menicucci, Managing Producer, Emerging Filmmakers Program, Howcast Media
    "How to Reach a Soldier"
    A bonus feature on the DVD "The Christmas Card", this video is just what the Holidays ordered.
    Our thanks to: RHI Entertainment, Backlot Productions, and Genius Products, LLC.
    "Real People, Real Support", the part, brought to you from the folks at!
    "Local Man Recognized for Going 'Above and Beyond'"
    A report from Indiana News Center, CH-21, by Eric Clabaugh on the "Above and Beyond" awards by Microsoft.
    Daryn Kagan Daryn Kagan, formally an anchor with CNN, now "the creator and host of, an inspirational online community that features a daily Web cast of stories that, 'Show the World What is Possible.'" did a story on
    Check it out HERE or in a pop-up version HERE or HERE.

    TVP-1, Polish TV National Channel, broadcasts a segment on and it recorded on 2 May 2006.
    Original link HERE.
    RTE, Radio Television Ireland does a story on and Recorded 2 December 2005 in Maryland, aired in Ireland on 23 December 2005. on CNN
    2 March 2005: " enables all to aid troops"
    The 2 March "NewsNight" version video is HERE.
    The 3 March comments by Aaron Brown HERE.
    The 5 March "Saturday" version HERE.
    The 6 March "Prime Cuts" version HERE.
    Note: Basic video same in all versions. "NewsNight" best pick.
    CNN aired our story by Beth Nissen on NewsNight, 2 March,
    several times on 5 March, and on Prime Cuts on 6 March 2005.

    ARD German TV, 4 December 2003, Video here or here (in German of course).

    Promotional sound clip. Listen HERE. Download (MP3)(Right-click and pick "Save Target As"):HERE. and
    Promotional sound clip. Listen HERE. Download (MP3)(Right-click and pick "Save Target As"):HERE.
    Courtesy of Kirk R. W. Douthit of The Kroger Company.
    Permission granted (Please Do!) to anyone wanting to use these.

    Information about linking to and Any Soldier® logos is HERE.

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    Board of Directors, Any Soldier Inc.

    Christina Boblits
    Christina Boblits has been in the business management field since 1986. She is owner and operator of Business Support Services, a company which supports large to small companies in day to day business operations from accounting to human resource management. Her work responsibilities also include consulting for small businesses on small business management functions. Christina graduated from University of Maryland with a double degree of Business Management/Accounting and Radio/TV/Film specializing in Public Relations. She currently resides in Maryland.

    Gary Bourland
    Gary Bourland
    Gary Bourland, as an infantryman, has spent the last 18 years serving as both enlisted and as an officer. Completing tours in Afghanistan and Iraq he was the first Marine on (and thus the inspiration to start during the beginning of his Afghanistan tour. Knowing first hand what the difference can make, he continued the support structure through his Iraq deployment and helped units get support that were in the states about to deploy. Originally from Colorado his career has taken him many places to call home.

    SgtMaj Ronald Himsworth
    Ronald Himsworth
    Ron Himsworth was raised in Dayton Ohio and served 32 years in the United States Marine Corps. Retired in November 2009 as the Sergeant Major for II Marine Expeditionary Force. First used in 2005 while deployed to Western Iraq as the Sergeant Major for 2D Marine Division. The support was outstanding and still have many friends from that deployed. What Marty and family has done for all services is God's work. They make deployments bearable.

    Marty Horn
    Born in Philadelphia, raised in the Chicago suburb of Deerfield, Marty Horn spent 20 years in the Army as a Military Policeman. After retiring in 1993, he got into Internet technologies. Together with his wife, they worked the concept of Any Soldier® with their son, Sergeant Brian Horn when he was in Iraq. Marty built this web site and maintains it.

    Member of the Blue Knights, PGR.

    Scott Remington
    Scott Remington
    Scott Remington formerly served on the Any Soldier® team as the Support Team Director. During a deployment in northern Iraq, Scott garnered invaluable support for his team as an contact. A 1985 graduate of the US Air Force Academy, Scott is still serving as a colonel in the Air Force Reserves. He and his wife, Martina, are the proud parents of three sons; two serving in the Air Force and one in the Marine Corps.

    Dutch Ruppersberger
    Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger is in the United States House of Representatives representing the citizens of Maryland's 2nd District. Congressman Ruppersberger serves on the House Intelligence Committee and represents the home of the National Security Agency at Ft. Meade, and Aberdeen Proving Ground.
    He is the originator of Operation Hero Miles.
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    Support Team, Any Soldier Inc.

    Brian Horn
    Brian Horn
    Support Team
    Brian Horn joined the Any Soldier® team as a Support Team Member. Brian completed 8 years of active duty with the Army and is currently pursuing a Bachelors Degree in Business.
    He first served with the 82nd Airborne Division, then with the 173rd Airborne Brigade. Brian had been deployed numerous times to conflicts such as Operation Nobel Anvil (Kosovo), parachuted into Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq) as a Sniper Team Leader, and Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) as a Sniper Team Leader, as well as a peace keeping mission in Sinai, Egypt with the Multi-National Force and Observers.
    His web site is HERE.
    (Click HERE to return to top of page)


    Any Soldier Inc. started as a simple family effort to help our son, Army Sergeant Brian Horn, who was one of the 1,000 Soldiers who parachuted into Northern Iraq on March 26th, 2003. We knew his unit, the 173rd Airborne Brigade was living under very rough conditions, so we were sending Brian care packages as often as we could.

    26 August 2003:   We wanted to help the Soldiers who were with Brian, so his father, himself a 20-year Army veteran, started this web site, and asked friends and neighbors to help send their support. HERE is the original web page posted that day. The idea caught on, fast. By Christmas Eve 2003 the site looked like THIS.

    17 September 2003:   Stand-alone web site URL "AnySoldier.US" (17 Sep 2003) created and running. The reason '.US' was picked was because the '.com' version was taken, as a porn site(!!) The '.com' version was eventually acquire because new folks using the Internet were confused by the '.us' and when they instinctively went to '.com' and saw the porn site they thought we might be fake. We got the '.com' instead of the '.org' because the '.com' was favored by the vast majority of users.

    The support was massive during the holidays, and many requests came to us to support other military units. On January 1st, 2004, we did just that and opened support to ALL the Military Branches. At the time, we projected that we would have 50 volunteer "contacts" by Christmas. We were wrong, by June 2nd, 2004, we had our first 100, and 3 days short of a year we had 1,000! Right now we have 154!!

    12 February 2004:   Aquired the domain name of and transitioned to that domain to help avoid confusion by potential supporters not familiar with our URL of ".US".

    4 June 2004:   Any Soldier Inc. became a non-profit corporation registered in the state of Maryland.

    3 August, 2004:   Our application for non-profit charitable, 501(c)(3) status was approved.

    August 2005:   We acquired,,, and domain names and started offering 5 service-specific versions of the web site.

    24 October 2006:   "Any Soldier", "Any Marine", "Any Airman", "Any Airmen", "Any Sailor", "Any Coast Guardsman", "Any Coast Guardsmen" and our heartAny Soldier Inc.logo were approved by the USPTO as registered trademarks ( ® ) of Any Soldier Inc.

    14 February 2008:   In just over 4 years, with the help of over 35,000 volunteer contacts and countless supporters world-wide, we have served over ONE MILLION TROOPS!!!

    2008-2012:   Countless improvements to the web site.

    23 January 2009:   Started Facebook Group

    22 February 2012:   Opened the web site to all non-CONUS troops! (Troops not stationed in CONtential United States), not just those in harm's way.

    5 March 2013:   After much consideration and wasted time trying to salvage it, had to kill the Any Soldier Forum, a free service by Any Soldier Inc. that was taken over by deviants.

    3 June 2013:   Created and posted Facebook page which supliments the Facebook Group page

    22 October 2024:   We have served 1,335,388 Troops so far!

    Thank you, very much, for your support!

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    Please click HERE.

    Where DOES the money go?
    Please click HERE.

    Other Ways you can help:
    Please click HERE.

    Linking and Logo:

    We appreciate everyone who supports this effort and are grateful for those who link to our web site. If you wish to provide a link to this site, then here are some logos for you to chose from. Please link as "".

    We are asked everyday if it is OK if someone tells (fill-in-the-blank) person, radio station, TV, newspaper, etc. about this web site. Simple answer: YES! PLEASE DO!! Getting the word out about this effort is greatly appreciated.

    Our Heart Logo, "Any Soldier" and "", "Any Marine", "Any Airman", "Any Airmen", "Any Sailor", "Any Coast Guardsman", "Any Coast Guardsmen" and other Company graphics, logos, designs, page headers, button icons, scripts and service names are registered trademarks, trademarks or trade dress of Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. Company's trademarks and trade dress may not be used, including as part of trademarks and/or as part of domain names, in connection with any product or service in any manner that is likely to cause confusion and may not be copied, imitated, or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the Company.

    (Right-click any of these and "Save as...") (OR, copy the HTML below the logo and paste into your web page.)

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    Nice, large version logo for:
    Any Soldier® is HERE
    Any Marine® is HERE
    Any Sailor® is HERE
    Any Airmen® is HERE

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    BlackBarnMedia does our web site hosting (and MUCH more).

  • Mella Tapang did art work on our logos.

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